Concurrency Patterns in Go: Worker Pool Pattern

Publish date: 2024-11-21
Tags: Go

The Worker Pool pattern is a powerful concurrency design pattern that helps process tasks efficiently using a pool of worker goroutines. Let’s explore how it works step-by-step.

Step 1: Defining the Job

A Job is a unit of work that the worker goroutines will process. In our implementation, the Job struct contains an ID field to identify the task.

// Job represents the task to be executed by a worker
type Job struct {
	ID int

Step 2: Designing the Worker Pool

The WorkerPool struct manages the workers, job queue, and results channel. It uses a WaitGroup to wait for all workers to finish their tasks.

type WorkerPool struct {
	numWorkers int
	jobQueue   chan Job
	results    chan int
	wg         sync.WaitGroup

// NewWorkerPool creates a new worker pool with the specified number of workers
func NewWorkerPool(numWorkers, jobQueueSize int) *WorkerPool {
	return &WorkerPool{
		numWorkers: numWorkers,
		jobQueue:   make(chan Job, jobQueueSize),
		results:    make(chan int, jobQueueSize),

Step 3: Implementing the Worker Function

Each worker goroutine picks tasks from the jobQueue, processes them, and sends the result to the results channel.

func (wp *WorkerPool) worker(id int) {
	defer wp.wg.Done()
	for job := range wp.jobQueue {
		fmt.Printf("Worker %d started job %d\n", id, job.ID)
		time.Sleep(time.Second) // Simulating work
		fmt.Printf("Worker %d finished job %d\n", id, job.ID)
		wp.results <- job.ID

Step 4: Starting the Worker Pool

The Start method creates the worker goroutines and assigns them to process jobs from the jobQueue.

func (wp *WorkerPool) Start() {
	for i := 1; i <= wp.numWorkers; i++ {
		go wp.worker(i)

Step 5: Adding Jobs and Collecting Results

Jobs are added to the jobQueue using AddJob. After all jobs are added, we close the queue to signal workers to stop.

func (wp *WorkerPool) AddJob(job Job) {
	wp.jobQueue <- job

func (wp *WorkerPool) CollectResults() {
	for result := range wp.results {
		fmt.Printf("Result received for job %d\n", result)

Step 6: Waiting for Workers to Complete

The Wait method waits for all workers to finish their tasks and then closes the results channel.

func (wp *WorkerPool) Wait() {

Putting It All Together

Finally, we bring everything together in the main function. We create a worker pool, add jobs, and process the results.

func main() {
	numWorkers := 3
	numJobs := 10

	workerPool := NewWorkerPool(numWorkers, numJobs)

	// Adding jobs to the Job Queue
	for i := 1; i <= numJobs; i++ {
		workerPool.AddJob(Job{ID: i})


Output Example

Worker 1 started job 1
Worker 2 started job 2
Worker 3 started job 3
Worker 1 finished job 1
Worker 2 finished job 2
Worker 3 finished job 3
Worker 1 started job 4
Worker 2 started job 5
Result received for job 1
Result received for job 2
Result received for job 3

Key Takeaways

  1. Controlled Concurrency: The number of workers (numWorkers) controls the concurrency level.
  2. Efficient Resource Usage: Worker Pools ensure optimal resource utilization by preventing an excessive number of goroutines.
  3. Scalability: Easy to scale by adjusting the number of workers and the size of the job queue.


This implementation demonstrates the simplicity and power of the Worker Pool pattern for managing concurrent tasks in Go.

Tags: Go