Structural Design Patterns - Decorator and Facade

Notes on Structural Design Patterns - Decorator and Facade

Structural Design Patterns - Adapter and Flyweight

Notes on Structural Design Patterns - Adapter and Flyweight from Scaler

Creational Design Patterns - Prototype, Factory Method and Abstract Factory

Notes on Creational Design Patterns - Prototype, Factory Method and Abstract Factory from Scaler

Creational Design Patterns - Singleton and Builder

Notes on Creational Design Patterns - Singleton and Builder from Scaler

SOLID - Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, and Dependency Inversion

Notes on SOLID - Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, and Dependency Inversion from Scaler

SOLID - Single Responsibility, Open/Closed Principle

Notes on SOLID - Single Responsibility, Open/Closed Principle from Scaler


Notes on Polymorphism from Scaler

Constructor, Access modifiers, Inheritance, Diamond Problem

Notes on Constructor, Access modifiers, Inheritance, Diamond Problem from Scaler

Programming paradigms - Procedural vs Object Oriented Programming

Notes on Programming paradigms from Scaler

Low Level Design - What and Why?

Notes on Low Level Design from Scaler

Exploring JSONB in PostgreSQL: A Beginner's Guide to Storing and Querying Structured Data

In the realm of databases, PostgreSQL stands tall, renowned for its robust features and adaptability. Among its many offerings, JSONB shines as a versatile data type, facilitating the efficient storage...

Unraveling the Power of Virtualization: A Comprehensive Guide

In the dynamic realm of technology, virtualization stands as a bedrock, reshaping our approach to computing resources. Originating in the late 1960s at IBM, virtualization has undergone a profound transformation,...