Structural Design Patterns - Adapter and Flyweight

Publish date: 2024-07-14
Tags: System-Design, Software-Engineering

Structural Patterns





public class StripeApi {
	public void createPayment() {
		// Create payment
	public PaymentStatus checkStatus(String paymentId) {
		// Check payment status


public void processPayment() {
	StripeApi stripeApi = new StripeApi();
	Payment object = stripeApi.createPayment();
	PaymentStatus status = stripeApi.checkStatus(object.getId());
public class PayPalApi {
	public void makePayment() {
		// Create payment
	public PaymentStatus getStatus(String paymentId) {
		// Check payment status


public class StripeApi {
	public void createPayment() {
		// Create payment
	public PaymentStatus checkStatus(String paymentId) {
		// Check payment status

public class PayPalApi {
	public void makePayment() {
		// Create payment
	public PaymentStatus getStatus(String paymentId) {
		// Check payment status
public interface PaymentProvider {
	void makePayment();
	PaymentStatus getStatus(String paymentId);
public class StripePaymentProvider implements PaymentProvider {
	public void makePayment() {
	public PaymentStatus getStatus(String paymentId) {

public class PayPalPaymentProvider implements PaymentProvider {
	public void makePayment() {
	public PaymentStatus getStatus(String paymentId) {
public class StripePaymentProvider implements PaymentProvider {
	private StripeApi stripeApi = new StripeApi();
	public void makePayment() {
	public PaymentStatus getStatus(String paymentId) {
		StripeStatus status = stripeApi.checkStatus(paymentId);
		return convertStatus(status);
public class PaymentProcessor {
	private PaymentProvider paymentProvider;
	public PaymentProcessor(PaymentProvider paymentProvider) {
		this.paymentProvider = paymentProvider;
	public void processPayment() {
		PaymentStatus status = paymentProvider.getStatus("paymentId");

Adapter Pattern in Python

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from enum import Enum

class PaymentStatus(Enum):

class PaymentRequest:
    def __init__(self, name, phone, email, amount):
        self._name = name
        self._phone = phone
        self._email = email
        self._amount = amount

    def name(self):
        return self._name
    def phone(self):
        return self._phone
    def email(self):
        return self._email
    def amount(self):
        return self._amount

class PaymentProviderInterface(ABC):
    def generate_link(self):
    def pay(self, payment_request):
    def check_status(self):

class CashfreeApi:
    def create_url(self):
        return "Cashfree"
    def do_payment(self, amount):
        print(f"Cashfree Payment: {amount}")
    def verify_status(self):
        return "OK"

class CashFreePayProvider(PaymentProviderInterface):
    def __init__(self):
        self._cashfree_api = CashfreeApi()
    def generate_link(self):
        return self._cashfree_api.create_url()
    def pay(self, payment_request):
    def check_status(self):
        status = self._cashfree_api.verify_status()
        return self.to_payment_status(status)
    def to_payment_status(self, status):
        if status == "OK":
            return PaymentStatus.SUCCESS
        return PaymentStatus.FAILURE

class RazorPayApi:
    def make_link(self):
        return "RazorPay"
    def pre_pay(self):
        print("RazorPay PrePayment")
    def pay(self, name, amount):
        print(f"RazorPay Payment for {name} of amount {amount}")
    def check_status(self):
        # Simulated status check
        return "PASS"

class RazorPayProvider(PaymentProviderInterface):
    def __init__(self):
        self._razorpay_api = RazorPayApi()
    def generate_link(self):
        return self._razorpay_api.make_link()
    def pay(self, payment_request):
        self._razorpay_api.pre_pay(), payment_request.amount)
    def check_status(self):
        status = self._razorpay_api.check_status()
        return self.to_payment_status(status)
    def to_payment_status(self, status):
        if status == "PASS":
            return PaymentStatus.SUCCESS
        return PaymentStatus.FAILURE

# Client code to execute payment request
def process_payment(payment_provider, payment_request):
    status = payment_provider.check_status()
    print(f"Payment Status: {}")

# Example usage:
payment_request = PaymentRequest("John Doe", "1234567890", "", 100)

# Using CashFreePayProvider
cashfree_provider = CashFreePayProvider()
process_payment(cashfree_provider, payment_request)

Adapter Pattern in Go

package adapter

import (

type PaymentStatus string

const (
	Success PaymentStatus = "SUCCESS"
	Failure PaymentStatus = "FAILURE"

type PaymentRequest struct {
	Name   string
	Phone  string
	Email  string
	Amount int

type PaymentProviderInterface interface {
	GenerateLink() string
	Pay(paymentRequest PaymentRequest)
	CheckStatus() PaymentStatus

type CashfreeApi struct{}

func (c *CashfreeApi) CreateURL() string {
	return "Cashfree"

func (c *CashfreeApi) DoPayment(amount int) {
	fmt.Printf("Cashfree Payment: %d\n", amount)

func (c *CashfreeApi) VerifyStatus() string {
	// Simulated status check
	return "OK"

type CashFreePayProvider struct {
	cashfreeApi *CashfreeApi

func NewCashFreePayProvider() *CashFreePayProvider {
	return &CashFreePayProvider{cashfreeApi: &CashfreeApi{}}

func (c *CashFreePayProvider) GenerateLink() string {
	return c.cashfreeApi.CreateURL()

func (c *CashFreePayProvider) Pay(paymentRequest PaymentRequest) {

func (c *CashFreePayProvider) CheckStatus() PaymentStatus {
	status := c.cashfreeApi.VerifyStatus()
	return c.toPaymentStatus(status)

func (c *CashFreePayProvider) toPaymentStatus(status string) PaymentStatus {
	if status == "OK" {
		return Success
	return Failure

type RazorPayApi struct{}

func (r *RazorPayApi) MakeLink() string {
	return "RazorPay"

func (r *RazorPayApi) PrePay() {
	fmt.Println("RazorPay PrePayment")

func (r *RazorPayApi) Pay(name string, amount int) {
	fmt.Printf("RazorPay Payment for %s of amount %d\n", name, amount)

func (r *RazorPayApi) CheckStatus() string {
	// Simulated status check
	return "PASS"

type RazorPayProvider struct {
	razorpayApi *RazorPayApi

func NewRazorPayProvider() *RazorPayProvider {
	return &RazorPayProvider{razorpayApi: &RazorPayApi{}}

func (r *RazorPayProvider) GenerateLink() string {
	return r.razorpayApi.MakeLink()

func (r *RazorPayProvider) Pay(paymentRequest PaymentRequest) {
	r.razorpayApi.Pay(paymentRequest.Name, paymentRequest.Amount)

func (r *RazorPayProvider) CheckStatus() PaymentStatus {
	status := r.razorpayApi.CheckStatus()
	return r.toPaymentStatus(status)

func (r *RazorPayProvider) toPaymentStatus(status string) PaymentStatus {
	if status == "PASS" {
		return Success
	return Failure

func ProcessPayment(provider PaymentProviderInterface, paymentRequest PaymentRequest) {
	status := provider.CheckStatus()
	fmt.Printf("Payment Status: %s\n", status)


Flyweight Pattern





public class Bullet {
    private String image;
public class FlyingBullet {
    private double x;
    private double y;
    private double z;
    private double radius;
    private double direction;
    private double speed;
    private int status;
    private int type;
    private Bullet bullet;
public class BulletFactory {
    private static final Map<String, Bullet> bullets = new HashMap<>();

    public Bullet getBullet(BulletType type) {

    public void addBullet(BulletType type, Bullet bullet) {

Flyweight Pattern in Python

from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict

class BulletType(Enum):
    NINE_MM = 1
    ELEVEN_MM = 2
    ACP = 3

class Bullet:
    def __init__(self, image: str, radius: float, weight: float, bullet_type: BulletType):
        self.__image = image
        self.__radius = radius
        self.__weight = weight
        self.__type = bullet_type

    def image(self) -> str:
        return self.__image

    def radius(self) -> float:
        return self.__radius

    def weight(self) -> float:
        return self.__weight

    def type(self) -> BulletType:
        return self.__type

class BulletRegistry:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__bullets: Dict[BulletType, Bullet] = {}

    def add_bullet(self, bullet: Bullet):
        self.__bullets[bullet.type] = bullet

    def get_bullet(self, bullet_type: BulletType) -> Bullet:
        return self.__bullets.get(bullet_type)

class FlyingBullet:
    def __init__(self, x: float, y: float, z: float, direction: float, bullet: Bullet):
        self.__x = x
        self.__y = y
        self.__z = z
        self.__direction = direction
        self.__bullet = bullet

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create a BulletRegistry instance
    registry = BulletRegistry()

    # Add bullets to the registry
    registry.add_bullet(Bullet("9mm.png", 9.0, 7.5, BulletType.NINE_MM))
    registry.add_bullet(Bullet("11mm.png", 11.0, 8.0, BulletType.ELEVEN_MM))
    registry.add_bullet(Bullet("acp.png", 12.0, 9.0, BulletType.ACP))

    # Retrieve a bullet from the registry
    bullet = registry.get_bullet(BulletType.NINE_MM)

    # Create a FlyingBullet instance
    flying_bullet = FlyingBullet(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 90.0, bullet)

    # Print the details of the FlyingBullet instance
    print(f"FlyingBullet details: x={flying_bullet._FlyingBullet__x}, "
          f"y={flying_bullet._FlyingBullet__y}, z={flying_bullet._FlyingBullet__z}, "
          f"direction={flying_bullet._FlyingBullet__direction}, "
          f"bullet_type={}, "
          f"bullet_image={flying_bullet._FlyingBullet__bullet.image}, "
          f"bullet_radius={flying_bullet._FlyingBullet__bullet.radius}, "

Flyweight Pattern in Go

package flyweight

import (

// BulletType enum
type BulletType int

const (
	NINE_MM BulletType = iota

// Bullet struct representing the flyweight object
type Bullet struct {
	image  string
	radius float64
	weight float64
	bType  BulletType

func NewBullet(image string, radius, weight float64, bType BulletType) *Bullet {
	return &Bullet{
		image:  image,
		radius: radius,
		weight: weight,
		bType:  bType,

func (b *Bullet) Image() string {
	return b.image

func (b *Bullet) Radius() float64 {
	return b.radius

func (b *Bullet) Weight() float64 {
	return b.weight

func (b *Bullet) Type() BulletType {
	return b.bType

// BulletRegistry to manage shared Bullet instances
type BulletRegistry struct {
	bullets map[BulletType]*Bullet

func NewBulletRegistry() *BulletRegistry {
	return &BulletRegistry{
		bullets: make(map[BulletType]*Bullet),

func (br *BulletRegistry) AddBullet(bullet *Bullet) {
	br.bullets[bullet.Type()] = bullet

func (br *BulletRegistry) GetBullet(bType BulletType) *Bullet {
	return br.bullets[bType]

// FlyingBullet struct representing the extrinsic state
type FlyingBullet struct {
	x, y, z   float64
	direction float64
	bullet    *Bullet

func NewFlyingBullet(x, y, z, direction float64, bullet *Bullet) *FlyingBullet {
	return &FlyingBullet{
		x:         x,
		y:         y,
		z:         z,
		direction: direction,
		bullet:    bullet,

func (fb *FlyingBullet) Details() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("FlyingBullet details: x=%.1f, y=%.1f, z=%.1f, direction=%.1f, bullet_type=%d, bullet_image=%s, bullet_radius=%.1f, bullet_weight=%.1f",
		fb.x, fb.y, fb.z, fb.direction, fb.bullet.Type(), fb.bullet.Image(), fb.bullet.Radius(), fb.bullet.Weight())

These are my notes from the Low-Level Design (LLD) course I took at Scaler.

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Tags: System-Design, Software-Engineering